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  • Best rates available here. Please type in the promotion code ”bookdirect” to get the best rates available.*
  • Additional 10% cash payment discount available only here.
  • Some of our room types ( e.g. Sea View Deluxe Rooms) are sold through this website only.
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Reconstructed as a 19th century Ottoman Mansion, Dersaadet is a unique, family run, small hotel located at old city, on a quiet street only a five-minute stroll from the Blue Mosque.

Dersaadet has 17 guest rooms, including two Dersaadet Corner Suites, and the Sultan’s Penthouse Suite. Each accommodation is unique, decorated in traditional Turkish style.

Awards & in the Travel Press

Tripadvisor Traveler's Choice Winner : Winning for 15 years

We are proud to have received Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice® for the last 15 consecutive years, consistently.

where a Dersaadet day starts
The Terrace, Breakfasts & Evening Drinks
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